Friday, September 7, 2012


Is it possible to make music without making a sound? I think that may be possible with art. Some art creations just "sing."

Here's the story behind my latest work.

I like making art with a musical connection. My latest "musical" art creation began several years ago. I had an old upright piano. I don't really remember how I came into possession of it. I lived in Whites Creek at the time. It had been painted several times. I spent days taking off the many layers of paint and underneath them all was a beautiful walnut (at least that color) wood.

The piano lived a couple of different lives. After taking out the cast-iron harp it was much easier to move around so for awhile it was a computer desk. The computer keyboard went where the pianos keys were (I had taken them all off) and the monitor sat where the music would go. For a little while it was a headboard but eventually my lovely wife said it took up too much room and it was banished to the carport.

I decided to take it apart. Some of the wood was loosing it's veneer. Some was missing. I decided to rescue parts that I thought I could do something with some day and the rest ended up with some lighter fluid and a match. All that was left were screws laying in the ashes.

As I was preparing for my art show at Planters Bank I decided I had to make something I had pictured in my mind for years. I needed a big "WOW" piece for the show. Here's what I came up with. I named it "Rhapsody" - thinking of that beautiful piece"Rhapsody in Blue" by Gershwin. I didn't want to add the "in Blue" because I wanted people to think "in blue" without me obviously  pointing it out. There are five lines of lead. (the blue is the spaces)

I wish glass photographed better. The beauty of stained-glass can't be captured on film.

You really should go by Planters Bank on Madison St. (if you live in Clarksville) and see it for yourself.

My art show there opened at 10:00. By 11:15 I had one man take a picture of it to take home to his wife to convince her that they should buy it and another couple came in, talked about it for just a moment and then wrote me a check for it. (Thanks again, Tony and Beverly)

Beverly took a picture of me next to "Rhapsody" and then e-mailed it to me.

Now I want to get on Craigslist or Ft. Campbell Yard Sales and look for another piano!

You can see "Rhapsody" if you go to Planters Bank before the end of September.

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